We are pleased to announce that our new Georgia Virtual Learning (GaVL) website will be launching April 16! This new site will consolidate all our programs into one central hub. Learn more about our new and improved website experience.

Available Resources


Georgia Virtual School provides free access to their course content.  Most courses have been moved to Canvas and are distributed in a public format.  This includes all content that is aligned to the Georgia Standards.  

Georgia Virtual Shared Content


The access to this content is available to Georgia public schools by application only. 

Canvas Course Download Access Application

The eSource Content includes complete course content that is aligned to the Georgia Standards.  Follow the instructions for each individual course for downloading.  Courses can be downloaded and used in your Learning Management System.

Here is a sample of the Public Course Format. (Chrome is the preferred browser)  

Questions can be sent to esource@gavirtualschool.org.